thru sounds and objects, yann leguay focuses on the notions of dematerialization, the use of interfaces and everything about the materiality of memory. in his sound practice he was defined as a “media saboteur” by the consumer waste label, seeking to fold this materiality in on itself using basic means in the form of objects, music and performances. He has presented his work in many places and festivals all around Europe and further. since 2007, he’s also producing installations, sculptures and editions that integrates a critical approach to the meaning of the technological evolution. in concerts he tries to push the boundaries of accepted norms of audio behavior, using uncommon machineries for the playback of audio media: opened hard-drives as turntables, an angle grinder as a microphone, the sound of the electricity on its own… his records release activity is equally unusual, releasing readable silkscreen records, a 7” single without a central hole, or a record composed from recordings of vinyl being scratched by scalpel. his Phonotopy label proposes a conceptual approach to recording media. His work has been published on many labels and books such as artKillart, vlek, consumer waste, tanuki, third type tapes, insubordinations…
press :
france musique, "l'experimentale" playlist: the medium is the message
radio nova interview on volta feedback during sonic protest festival
it's a psychedelic baby, about volta feedback
arte, tracks, craft music
kraak, avant guardian
neural.it about headcrash | test tone | volta
the word about again the sunset
des disques et un couteau , a portrait of martin tetreault
gonzo circus
drawings in poli11, politiques sonores
revue et corrigé n°110
revue et corrigé n°92
liberation about radiofreerobots
france musique, le cri du patchwork